We took advantage of the nice weather during the first December week and set out to clean the area around Pekarka spring, mainly fallen trees and shrubs in the area. Couple more pictures before and after the cleanup The removed wood was stashed on piles and left as is in […]
In the past two weeks we managed to remove a significant amount of mud, wood and fallen trees around the pond inlet. As a result there are couple mud piles that will be used to further improve the pond area once the mud dries enough.As of now some of it […]
We are gradually trying to improve the surroundings of the Pekarka pond and spring. This consist mainly of cleaning up the inlet and outlet, bank maintenance, pond cleanup, removing dangerous fallen trees, removal of trash and illegal camp sites and track maintenance. Wood from the fallen trees is left where […]
No matter if it is trash, fallen branches or car wrecks we notice things and are trying to either personally or with the help of responsible organizations/municipalities/NGOs deal with the situation. We are not afraid to grab trash bags, gloves, saws, brooms and personally change what we do not like […]
In cooperation with the people from Frantiska Kadlece 4 we managed to cultivate a piece of garden that used to be neglected piece of land in front of their house. There is an ongoing maintenance, cleanup and weeding of the garden. Some flowers were rescued from canceled garden colony Kotlaska, […]